Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Is anybody out there??????????????

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Five

Jan says at RevGals:

Since January our Sunday Spiritual Formation hour (or Sunday School) has been devoted each week to the presenter's description of a word that describes passion/love or something. No one knows who will be presenting or what the topic will be ahead of time! Each session has been invigorating in a different way. Last week's speaker talked about "words" and finished our time by asking each one of us what "word" we wanted to share--a favorite one.

So my suggestion for today's Friday Five is to write about 5 words you really like. Please explain why you have chosen each word, in such ways as:

It is a

•description or attribute of yourself
•activity you enjoy
•word that is spelled or pronounced in an interesting way
•passion of yours
•word that brings you hope, peace, or comfort
•word you like to repeat or sing

tickle box (turned over) - because I spent so much of my childhood giggling with friends.

teaching - because I may have retired, but I will never stop teaching..

diadochokinesis- the word I used when admins started telling me how to teach. It always shut them up - they didn't want to admit they never heard of it. But it's real and needs to be addressed.

sailing - because it is the thing I am happiest doing - only it is always by myself. Just me and the boat and the ocean. What glee!

Mmmm - hope, peace and comfort? Love, of course.

Alleluia, over and over.

Jan says at RevGals:

Since January our Sunday Spiritual Formation hour (or Sunday School) has been devoted each week to the presenter's description of a word that describes passion/love or something. No one knows who will be presenting or what the topic will be ahead of time! Each session has been invigorating in a different way. Last week's speaker talked about "words" and finished our time by asking each one of us what "word" we wanted to share--a favorite one.

So my suggestion for today's Friday Five is to write about 5 words you really like. Please explain why you have chosen each word, in such ways as:

It is a

•description or attribute of yourself
•activity you enjoy
•word that is spelled or pronounced in an interesting way
•passion of yours
•word that brings you hope, peace, or comfort
•word you like to repeat or sing
Oobleck -Because I like the way it sounds. From Dr. Suess's Bartholomew and the Oobleck.


it rained. Since I first started complaining about the drought, it rained last night. The trees and what grass is left look considerably happier. As I look over the map of our country (the world is beyond me right now) I realize we can't do a thing about the tornadoes. They come and go as they will. But I watch those who live on the Mississippi losing everything, and sometimes their lives from the flood, and I look at us. The ranch fire burned 5000 acres, and incredibly (and thanks to God and the volunteer firemen) the animals, the people, the buildings are all ok. The pastures are burnt however. Other fires were not so easily contained- not that this one was easy.

There has to be a way we can dig canals from the Mississippi, so that in times like these, we can siphon off some of their flood and water our cotton and wheat, and our animals and deny fire it's gobbling up of everything in the path-- also keeping people along the rivers safely in their homes. I know, I know, it would cost a lot, but think of the plusses.

There I go, daydreaming again.....

Monday, May 2, 2011

Things need to get better....

When I grew up, in one of the books I read, I found the phrase "an achin' and a painin' and a hurtin' all over". This is a good description of my state at the moment. Off shortly to see the ortho surgeon (just one of a large assortment of doctors ). My recently replaced left shoulder is nearly rehabbed, but is still full of arthritis, so it hurts. And recently found out that left knee and right shoulder need replacing. Also left hip (already replaced) is acting up. Retirement is suupposed to be fun and games, ---trips and volunteering to help others, etc. This isn't happening around here, I fear. DH is wanting to go and visit our Houston children as well as his sisters in Lake Jackson, and I want him to go. In fact, I want to go, but have sense enough to know I won't make it. So I'll bunk in with one of the kids and he will go. Frustrating, fer sure. But - things always seem to get better, and I'm ready for it.

Blessings to all.