Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Home again, home again, jiggety jog

We are back from our exhausting and great fun trip. Dad and Arthur managed about 4 games of golf in spite of the rain. Apparently it went over where they were and came to where we were to sit a bit. We were inside, though and it didn't bother us.

We didn't do any dyeing. The dye station had been moved to the breezeway between our two buildings, but it was just too cold to be comfortable, so we did other things. The great news is that Mary Beth learned to spin, and is really good at this. I didn't want her to learn just because I like it but because it is such a totally relaxing and peaceful activity, I thought she needed something like that. Really, everyone does.

There was a great shop (actually many small shops) from small business owners, and many fine things to examine, play with and maybe buy. We were pretty restrained with the buying. Mary Beth made a viking bracelet (spun with copper wire) and gave it to me. Hee, hee, hee. I love it. I did an aurora borealis bargello workshop, but only got a small bit done. After, I went back and took more yarns and plan to not do a bargello pattern, but use the stitch to try to replicate a real aurora borealis. As if I don't have enough to do. We also started a project on teeny tiny needles to use unspun roving. It only took about 2 minutes for me to decide it was not something that would make me happy, nor could I use the finished project, so I just knitted and watched the others. Several breeders of specific types of sheep came and discussed their sheep, pictures and all. Scooter has a few sheep and he shares the fleeces with me, so I don't need to do this. Plus the place we live would have a communal heart attack if I showed up with a sheep in the back yard. The food served was great, as always. They have promised recipes soon.

I had a bad time with edema in my feet and ankles, and I'm not used to this. I had blood drawn this morning and see the cardiologist next week. Maybe he can make sense of all this. Been sleeping with my feet elevated and that seems to help.

I am taking a sabbatical from choir for a time. I think I have more on my plate than I can handle. After this next song, I will also look for someone to take over the children's choir. That leaves me with serving at the altar, moderating a Bible Study and attending another one and interviewing and writing up members for the monthly newsletter. Also the stiters circle which is working on prayer shawls. Enough, I think. Maybe more than enough.

We had a good visit with Sarah and friend June while in Denton. Always fun.

Don, Dean and Barbara are due here tomorrow evening some time. They will play golf and we are going to Nancy/Scooter's for a cookout Friday evening. I hope the weather stays clear, though I can't imagine it doing anything else out here. Maybe we can take them to Paint Rock to see the pictographs. We're looking forward to their visit.

I am going to try to put a copy of Saxon's science project in here. You will need a magnifying glass if you want to read it, but it is so good I wanted to share it.--- Ummm. That didn't work. I will get help and then you can see it.

Now I am going back and put my feet up and just rest. Yeahhh.

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