Friday, October 1, 2010

Worth a mention

I have just finished a book, as you will see if you read my list, called Mornings in Jenin, by Susan Abulhawa. Where has my head been all these years? I bought the line that the Palestinians lived in tents and were all illiterate, and the Jews needed a homeland. I also bought that it was fairly done and the losers were given houses and education. How could I have bought that line? I do remember being in Jerusalem and seeing many Arab children, eyes and noses covered with flies, begging on the streets. I rounded on our guide and demanded do know why these children weren't in school. His answer was that it was their parents choice - that they wanted the money begging brought in, and didn't care about school. I realize that many, if not most, books about controversial subjects are highly biased, and this one probably is also. But there is too great a divide between what the book portrays and what we have been told. Instead of being given places to make homes, the Palestinians went into camps, and may be still there. There are right and wrong ways to do things, and if this is an accurate portrayal, the founding of Israel in our time has been bloody and horrible. Perhaps we have judged the Palestinans by the PLO. I only know that it is time I read more of both sides of this exchange, and tried to arrive at a fair and accurate story of what actually is. I think I know what it should be.

Sorry about the rant. Every once in awhile I go on one, but I think this one is justified. Maybe everyone else knows more than I do about the subject, but I expect to know more soon. Anyone want to suggest material to read or other ways to educate myself on this subject?

Blessings to all..


Words in Waiting said...

THE ETHNIC CLEANSING OF PALESTINE by Illan Pappe (an Israeli historian) will give you a picture of what really happened in Palestine when Israel was formed. THE LOBBY by Professors Walt and Mearsheimer will help explain why the US has been silent all these years.
Thank you for reading Mornings in Jenin and for wanting to learn more.

Mary Jane Butler or MJay said...

Iwill read both. Thank you for your suggestions.

Mary Beth said...

Yay Mom! I love that you are reading and learning and growing...and that you will be 79 next week. You are the rockingest Mom ever. MB

Sarah said...

Try hanging out with some arabs to get their point of view. Do you remember Sami Shammi? He is a displaced palestinian. His family had enough money to flee to Kuwait and live a pretty good life, but they were never allowed to become citizens of Kuwait. It's always good to get opposing opinions on any given topic.

Sarah said...

Actually his name is Sami Shamma.

Mary Jane Butler or MJay said...

I remembered it that way. He's the one who brought a Koran for me to read.

Sarah said...

How wierd is that? I guess it never hurts to try.

Did you read it? I have and it doesn't say ANYTHING about hating or killing. Check it out. You might be surprised, given the press muslims have gotten lately.