Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy January.....

Long time since my last post. We've been busy around here. When Mary Beth said she cleaned a freezer and a refrigerator, she was probably talking about mine. If not, she did it twice. We also did a major trip to HEB and had the fixins for many meals. She finished her visit by putting 30 individual meals in the freezer for me. I have already had a day when I just couldn't cope with the kitchen, so used two of them, and they are wonderful. She also left me a cookbook for making just this sort of meal, so I'll probably do it again, only one recipe at a time instead of four.

We are so excited that Nancy and Scooter are planning another family reunion. I hope everyone comes, and most especially that Oliver, Emily and Betty can get out here. Surely someone can drive them out. Surely.......... Easy for me to say, but I want to have our generation here once more, along with all the others. We have turned into a really huge family!

I have been covered up in stuff for so long I just can't stand it any more and I'm sorting. I hope this lasts a long time. It cuts into my reading time, but I am having fun throwing stuff away. I sent two huge bags and a box to June, in Denton, via Mary Beth. She will put this stuff on E-bay and sell it for me. We both profit this way.

We are busy ending the church year and electing more vestry, etc. I already run the senior lunch bunch and the stitchers guild and sing in the choir and serve at the altar and that's enough for an old lady. If I were in the vestry they would just give me papers and I would just lose them. I did this when I was younger, so it's not my turn to do this.

In out lawsuit with the diocese, depositions were taken today in Lubbock. George and lots of other people went up to listen. I've no idea when they will return. Whatever happens with that is ok with me. I'd just like it to be over.

Please help my pray that I find my wallet. I need my driver's license, and many of the other things in it.

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